Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Triad of the Greek Thinkers essays

Triad of the Greek Thinkers essays An unexpected cause happened after the Persian Wars: the Greek flood of new ideas. When the war ended, religious beliefs declined and caused more people to ignore the traditional explanations of the world of nature. The Greeks were dissatisfied with supernatural and mythical explanations of reality and began questioning their destiny. This is when philosophy arose. The Greek philosophy may not only of effected us directly, but the Greeks paved the way to modern development. They gave us knowledge from the field of math through Pythagoras and his theorem on the right triangle, and science through Aristotles study of biology, and Democritus study of atoms. However some philosophies may seem incapable, but Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates changed the way people think. These three Greek philosophers questioned the most basic and widely accepted ideas based on virtue and moral excellence. The first of the Hellenic philosophers was Socrates, the revolutionary thinker. Although Socrates opposed everything the Sophists stood for, he shared the rejection of philosophizing about nature, focus on human problems, and desire to empower individuals to make their own moral choices. As curious as he was, Socrates was always questioning what things are and searching for definitions. He would ask people such questions as what is friendship?, what is justice?. By asking these questions people became annoyed, but Socrates was not just looking for the definition but also the essence to understand the knowledge of the world (History P39). Socrates core of ethics was virtue. Its the deepest and most basic propensity of man. And virtue is knowledge (History P40). A famous statement of Socrates was a bad man is a bad man through ignorance (History P40). This means a person who knows the truth will not commit evil deeds and those who do wrong, do so out of ignorance. ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Free sample - The Pros and Cons of Video Games. translation missing

The Pros and Cons of Video Games. The Pros and Cons of Video GamesThe world of electronic gaming has undergone radical transformation since it was conceived more than two decades ago. At the beginning, games like Super Mario Brothers, and Pong were just childish, enjoyable, and essentially harmless. However, today, video gaming has become a thriving industry that has a wide range of customers, spanning various ages, genders, nationalities, and moral beliefs. Just like books, television, and movies, some video games are aiming at the older audience through the use of violence, sex, and adult content. Despite the existence of a rating system and recognition for people wishing to purchase adult video games, some politicians and parents claim that video games have a hugely negative impact on the young generation. In efforts to locate the blame about the content of video games, politicians and developers alike seem to have forgotten that parents have a responsibility to make decisions on the type of material that is suitable for their children. Farrales observes that Video game content appears to have become an issue for the first time when Mortal Kombat was released in 1993 (12). Many parents complained the high degree of violence evident in the graphic depictions of blood, fighting, and death. The ESRB (Electronic Software Ratings Board) was formed by the Entertainment Software Association with the aim of coming up with a rating system for monitoring the content of video games. Fernandez indicates that video games stand accused of bringing about violence, obesity, and lousy grades (3). However, some people beg to differ, pointing out that the games are ideal for children’s mental well being. Video games are not just hard, they are adaptively hard. The games tend to challenge the players at the edge of their mental abilities. As players become better and score higher points, they are challenged to move up the ladder of more demanding play levels. This adaptive challenge can be stunningly powerful in the case of entertaining video games. Scientists point out to the importance of video games in ascertaining the extent to which the human brain is malleable. In this regard, fast-paced video games that are action-packed have been proven, in different studies, to boost spatial perception, visual acuity and the ability to pick out objects easily in a scene. Complex games that are strategy-based can significantly improve many cognitive skills, including reasoning and memory. These findings fit in well with the scientists’ increasing understanding of the malleability of the human brain. Researchers are now aware of the way in which practicing and learning an extremely challenging task can change the human brain. The question of generalizing gaming situations to non-game situations remains one of the main issues that surround many emerging game software being marketed as a way of keeping the human neurons spry as we continue to age. It is still unclear whether these games are helpful in situations that are outside the context of the game. However, in a promising study carried out in 2008, senior citizens who began playing Rise of Nations, a game devoted to nation building and acquisition of territory, started improving on many cognitive abilities, thereby performing impressively on various subsequent tests of memory, multitasking, and reasoning. The tests were administered after training was carried out for eight months. Unfortunately, no follow-up testing was carried out to determine whether the gains lasted or not. There are attempts by researchers to concentrate on the most crucial aspects of off-the-shelf games, potentially allowing designers to come up with many new games that can boost the human brain power. In the same light, there has also been some focus on determining how video games can be used to promote socially acceptable behaviors, particularly actions that can be of help to other people. Unlike, say books and movies, video games do not just have content, they are also defined by rules that are clearly stipulated. In every video game, certain actions are rewarded while others are punished. For this reason, they contain an immense potential to train children about values and ethics. However, the same games could also be used to reward antisocial behavior just as easily as the pro social behavior. A significant number of off-the-shelf games contain strong pro-social themes, for instance, the Oregon Trail or The Sims. These two video games make the players fully responsible for the well being of each other. A big challenge for developers of new games will be to figure out ways of wrapping virtuous features into a highly engaging package. Ultimately, quips Gallagher, every video game should be an entertaining experience (2). On the other hand, it is true that some of the most popular video games are the violent ones. The reason why the market is flooded with violent games is that violence sells. People enjoy action-packed violent games most. It is rarely a matter of contention whether a game is violent or not. The contention arises regarding how violent the games actually are. In an interview with Dr. Craig Anderson, a leader in the current research on the various effects of prolonged exposure to violent computer and video games on aggressive behavior, the General Aggression Model was discussed at length. Dr. Anderson pointed out that he was motivated to research about aggression in video games by the work he did on the model as well as on media violence literature. Dr. Anderson pointed out that although there were hundreds of studies on aggression and violent video games, many questions remained unanswered. Students were looking for compelling and publishable research topics, and in this way, they were able to come up with many gaps in the literature. In the beginning, Dr. Anderson looked at priming issues in the context of media violence effects. However, after debating with cognitive psychologists, the researcher thought about modifying the Stroop test, although he chose to adopt reading reaction time tasks among participants. Dr. Anderson pointed out that many researchers in the media violence generally think that everyone who is high on trait aggression is influenced more by exposure to media violence than by anything else. In other words, the conviction among many scholars is that highly aggressive people are the ones who are most susceptible to the video games’ harmful effects. In the early years of video gaming, violence used to be cartoonish. In games such as Space Invaders and Wonder Boy, when a player killed an enemy, this would be shown by the unfortunate subject disappearing in a small explosion or a cloud of smoke and debris. At the time and with the technology that was current, these games were considered violent. Today, with improvements in technology, people no longer disappear in a cloud of smoke and debris. Today, enemies have to bleed before they die. The grotesque image of the corpse also has to appear, complete with a gunshot wound. A game such as Metal Gear Solid 2 portrays enemies performing elaborate maneuvers when a player shoots them. It is always thoroughly entertaining to shoot them at the limbs and to see them go limp, or to shoot at their radio, rendering it useless. Some people say that what has increased is the level of realism and not violence, since the aim has always been to shoot and kill anything that comes in one’s way. However, this very aspect of realism makes some forms of violence appear acceptable, for example, in Wonder Boy, and others unacceptable, for example, in Metal Gear Solid 2. Yet others do not notice any difference in various types of violence, insisting that violence of whatever nature brings about the same effect on society. Farrales highlights the views of General Everett Koop, a U.S. surgeon, who once claimed that home and arcade video games are among the top three reasons where there is family violence (4). There are many instances that would perfectly make Koop’s statement on the negative impact violent video games on behavior agreeable. However, there are also many instances that portray violence as having little or no any negative effects on the individuals playing them. Some kids play video games and end up becoming violent people. Others play them but do not become increasingly aggressive. These varying outcomes make it difficult for the effects of video violence on all players to be determined accurately. Meanwhile, the most undesirable aspects of violence in video games include lack of punishment for killing, constant killing and hurting of other people, and perpetual justification for killing other people. This situation makes players to start accepting killing as an acceptable means of solving problems. They are also made to believe that there is nothing wrong with violence. In other words, violence is desensitized, and players start seeing human beings as mere objects rather than human beings, thus drastically lowering their empathy levels. Of course older players can differentiate between fantasy and reality, but children cannot. Surprisingly, argues Anthes, these older people are affected by video games as well, though not in the same way as kids. Among kids, the violence contained in video games leads to increase in aggression. A common effect of video games is to make players developed abnormally high adrenaline rates, which may result to hyper-aggressiveness together with the symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder. Increase in adrenaline rates leads to stimulus addiction, a common response among children who are often immersed in violent video games. People who suffer from stimulus addiction require stimulation that is increasingly strong in order to attain the same emotional experience. Sometimes, this search for stimulation leads them so go looking for more violent video games. Meanwhile, the question of whether video games result in violence in the real world remains unanswered. Many parents are worried that violent games will not only bring about restlessness in their children, they will make them more violent their behavior as well. Farrales points out to the research that was done in 1998 on a group of children aged between 5 and 7 years (9). In this study, the children were observed to imitate during free play whatever they had experienced in video games. Children who had played games with violent themes were aggressive, while those who played active, nonviolent games reflected their experiences in their play. The level of stimulation in both cases appeared to be more profound in girls than in boys. This could be because, generally, males are exposed to violence more, making a significant increase in aggression to be more profound in females. Unlike TV or movies, which present a predominantly passive viewing experience, violent video games require an individual to shoot, stab, rob, and kill enemies actively. With a movie, even if one was to watch it several times, some additional details may be obtained but it is fundamentally about the same thing. With a video game, many things can be changed according to one’s way of thinking, level of play, and dexterity in pressing the control buttons. Fernandez points out that Cho Seung-Hui, a student who killed 32 people at the Virginia Tech Campus back in 2007, is reported to have been played video games obsessively, and many commentators have been instinctively linking game violence with the killings in the campus. Claims of Cho Seung-Hui’s stint with obsessive video games were debunked by the campus panel that investigated the killings. The obvious problem with the desensitization claim made on video games after the Virginia Tec incident is that millions of adults and kids play violent video games every day and they never engage in any violent behavior. In fact, during the past decade when video games have surged in popularity, violence by youth has declined. According to a study that the Center for Disease Control and Prevention released, the number of school killings reduced considerably between 1992 and 2006. However, this is not where the debate ends. Although video games may not directly result in school shootings, it is undoubtedly strongly linked with aggressive feelings. Those who are opposed to computer and video games would want to see them censored. These people cite many reasons for their stance. They insist that over-dependence on video games fosters social isolation, since in some cases the games are played alone. They also point out that women are portrayed as the weaker sex, sexually provocative and always helpless. Moreover, game environments are always based on gender bias, aggression and plots of violence. Additionally, video games have inspired criticism because of the way in which they fail to provide actions that require creativity and independent thought. Instead, they confuse fantasy with reality. In most of these games, there is no alternative route to winning other than being a violent player. Furthermore, not surprisingly, academic achievement tends to be negatively related to the overall time that is spent playing computer and video games. Anand indicates that there is a correlation between use of video games and academic performance, if the grade-point average (GPA) and scholastic aptitude tests (SAT) on students who use video game are anything to go by (555). According to Anand’s study, there is a negative correlation between the time spent by student playing video games and the student’s SAT and GPA scores. The research findings presented by Anand suggest that video and computer games could be having a detrimental effect on the GPA of the individual, and possibly, on SAT scores as well. Although the results portray statistical dependence, it still remains rather difficult to prove a cause-and-effect relationship. This difficulty arises from the complex nature of academic performance as well as student life. In a New York Times article published on the November 15, 2010 edition, the question of whether stores should sell violent video games to minors was raised. Indeed, the question was not of the article writer’s own making, it was being debated by the Supreme Court in an attempt to determine what the writers of the Bill of Rights would have thought about a violent video game like Postal 2. In the New York Times Article, Adam Liptak wrote that the justices struggled to define the manner in which the First Amendment ought to apply to video games. A suggestion was made on the imposition of a $1,000 fine on all stores that continue to sell violent video comes to minors. The violence in the computer games, according to the Supreme Court, is characterized by acts of killing, dismembering, maiming, and sexually assaulting a human being’s image, in a manner that is ‘patently offensive, lacks serious artistic, scientific, political or literary value’, and appeals to the deviant and morbid interests of minors. In summary, the cons of video games by far outweigh the pros. There is a need for these games to be regulated, particularly with regard to access by minors. The regulation standards imposed by the ESRB should be revised to reflect the need to protect children and students from being lured into the world of aggressive video games.       Anand, Vivek. â€Å"A Study of Time Management: The Correlation between Video Game Usage and Academic Performance Markers†, CyberPsychology Behavior, 10.4(2007): 552-559. Anthes, Emily. â€Å"How video games are good for the brain.† The Boston Globe, NY Times Co., 12 Oct. 2009. Web. 18 Oct. 2010 Farrales, Bernard. â€Å"Violence in Video Games.† Violence in Video Games,   N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Oct. 2010 Fernandez, Alvaro. â€Å"Playing the Blame Game: Video Games Pros and Cons.† SharpBrains, SharpBrains, 26 Sept. 2008. Web. 18 Oct. 2010 Gallagher, Richard. â€Å"Video Games: Cons and Pros.† NYU Child Study Center, n.d. Web. 18 Oct. 2010. National Society Honor in Psychology, Sarah Howe, Jennifer Stigge, and Brooke Sixta interview with Dr. Craig Anderson: Video Game Violence, Web, (n.d) The New York Times, Should Stores Sell Violent Video Games to Minors? November 15, 2010.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Details are below Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Details are below - Essay Example The article begins by stating the essential skills that a nurse should possess to make the patients comfortable while answering the questions posed by the nurse. According to the article a nurse who possesses good communication skills can make the process of taking the patient history more constructive. The article guides a nurse through the entire of process of taking patient history, by providing details about the manner of approach that should be followed by the nurse. For taking an accurate history of the patient, it is vital that the nurse is proficient in communication skills. â€Å"The nurse should be able to gather information in a systematic, sensitive and professional manner. Good communication skills are essential.† (Lloyd, 2007). And it is the development of these communication skills that is discussed in the article. The article also aids a nurse to communicate efficiently with the patients, by providing the kind of approach that the nurse should adopt while deali ng with the patients. â€Å"Practitioners should avoid the use of technical terms or jargon and, whenever possible, use the patient’s own words†. (Lloyd, 2007). When the patient is comforted by the approach of the nurse, he/she will not be hesitant to disclose the information needed by the nurse. The article also presents the requirement of obtaining the consent of the patient and the necessity of this procedure. It also mentions the various methods through which the consent of the patient can be acquired. The process of taking the history of the patient is divided into various sections. And the course of action that should be followed in each part by the nurse is presented in the article. In the article, the author has suggested some questions that can help the nurse in starting the process of taking of patient history. It also provides the details of the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Performance Improvement Plan for San Francisco Medical Center Essay

Performance Improvement Plan for San Francisco Medical Center - Essay Example Values of the organisation include providing a teamwork atmosphere, education, caring care, excellence and quality, and compassionate. The other values include honesty, integrity, honesty, and ensuring that they work with the community. There are three main values that the medical centre focuses which are stewardship, excellence, and dignity(Lewis, Dirksen, Heitkemper, & Bucher, 2014). In stewardship, the medical centre aims at using the resources available to promote healing and wholeness. It also promotes dignity which is the inherent worth and value of a person. Additionally, it comes up with exceeding expectations through innovation and teamwork. Evidenced-based practice is very important in performance improvement. For an organization to ensure that all the requirements are fulfilled, they must come up with an evidenced based practice. The need for healthcare transformation underscores the need for having an effective, efficient and safe management plan. If a company will achieve its organizational goals, there must be a proper evidence-based practice. The evidence-based practice aims at hardwiring the current knowledge in the nursing sector to improve patient outcomes and care processes. Evidenced based practice promotes the quality of the healthcare services (Williams & Hopper, 2013). Additionally, the evidence-based practice is critical in creating an excellent culture among the staff. The organizational culture greatly determines the success of an organization. One of the objectives of the healthcare is to improve the patient’s functional abilities, thus improving the quality of life (Francis, 2000). Through performing the functional assessment, nurses determine the current level of the healthcare and improve it. The growing need for better health care services promotes the implementation of the evidence-based practice. In San Franco Medical Care, the societal demands involve the

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Shakespeare and His Tyrants Essay Example for Free

Shakespeare and His Tyrants Essay Do you know who any of these people are? Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Muammar al-Gaddafi or Osama Bin Laden? These men used their authority who exercised power oppressively or despotically. They are defined as tyrants. But even during William Shakespeare’s time there were similar men who terrorised countries. Shakespeare portrays tyrants so that they will always suffer the consequences for their terrible deeds. The most famous of his tyrants are Richard III and Macbeth. In his tragedy Macbeth the main character Macbeth was once a thane (a low-ranking nobleman) and a hero but a prophecy creates a powerful ambition within him for power which leads him to follow a dark path. He ascends the throne by murdering the king and also killed anyone who threatened to take him off the throne. His impending doom loomed over him when a man named Macduff fought Macbeth to avenge the death of his loved ones (who were killed under Macbeth’s order). Macbeth was beheaded in the fight. He was a doomed man at the start. He was prophesised to die at the hands of another man and this shows that tyrants will always suffer in the end. In popular culture tyrants similar to Macbeth are portrayed in remakes of plays, films and video games. A tyrant who was similar is Ulfric Stormcloak from Bethesda Game Studio’s game Skyrim. Ulfric Stormcloak was a Jarl (a chieftain) of the former capital of Skyrim. After learning ancient powers, he abused the knowledge by murdering the High King to take the throne. A war is waged to stop Ulfric. In the end Ulfric Stormcloak is beheaded in a siege on his fortress. This is very similar to Macbeth’s story because both of them are misled by their ambition for power which supports that Shakespeare has influenced the tyrants of popular culture. Richard III in the play of the same name is depicted as being deformed, self-absorbed and wanting nothing more than to gain power. His split personality developed his character. However his undoing and death occurred during a final duel with Richmond (later known as Henry VII of England) at the Battle of Bosworth Field. A tyrant comparable to Richard III is Queen Clementianna in the Snow White remake â€Å"Mirror Mirror†. The Queen is a very beautiful woman but she was narcissistic and cruel to her people. She believed that she was the rightful ruler of the land and orders the murder of Snow White (her step-daughter) which ultimately fails. The Queen talks in her spare time with her own mind (which is the mirror) except it is a much more wiser and younger version of herself. In the end she is foiled by Snow White and suffers her consequences for using dark powers against the King. She is transformed into a witch-like figure and Snow White rescues her long-lost father. Both of these tyrannical people are alike as they are both self-absorbed and deformed in many ways. They never have their happily ever after ending, lose their titles and are hushed away or killed (in Richard III’s case). This shows that tyrants always pay for their crimes. Unfortunately a small number of tyrants never suffer for the atrocious acts that they commit. This is outrageous as the wicked and selfish men and women of our society should suffer for their crimes. Shakespeare’s influence ranges from many popular topics such as love and violence but his portrayal of tyrants is cunningly similar to those of modern day culture. Would he have known that his view on tyrants was never going to change throughout the course of history? Who knows? But we will always know that tyrants were similar in both eras. Being a tyrant will lead to their own demise.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Conservative Party Essays -- Papers

The Conservative Party The Conservative Party stands for patriotism, having respect and pride for the country we live in, keeping the United Kingdom as a 'union', and putting Britain's interests first. Tories also have a respect for British traditions and values, such as a respect for the Monarchy and the Church of England. However they think pragmatically, they are willing to change but they are suspicious of change, especially dramatic change, thus they prefer evolution to revolution. Also, the Conservatives stand for having a strong but limited, Government, meaning they feel that the Government should be powerful, but they should also intervene with people's lives less. This is done by taxing people less, allowing them to have more of their own money to spend on what they want. The Tories prefer to tax people indirectly, by means of value added tax (VAT) for example. This ties in with another Conservative belief, that people should have freedom of choice so long as it is within reason of the law. Following on from this, the Conservative Party stands for strict law and order, by insisting that people should abide by the law, and that those who don't shall receive longer and tougher sentences/punishments. Furthermore, the Tories stand for meritocracy, a belief that those who work harder and are more able should be rewarded for doing so. This can be linked with their belief in a respect for authority, that people who work hard to get into places of authority deserve respect. Finally, the Conservatives stand for preserving traditional family values, believing that close family units are vital for stability, and ... ...arget of votes, therefore retaining the position of Prime Minister, it showed that many people in the Government opposed Major, damaging his reputation. The final factor that caused Conservatives devastating defeat in 1997 is that Tony Blair, the 'new' labour party leader Tony Blair appeared to be firm and strong, while and the same time the Conservatives were further dogged by sleaze stories. Also, after calling a general election, Major refused to show the 'Faust' video as part of the Conservative campaign, which showed Blair making false promises, and he opted to talk about his policies rather than making personal attacks on Blair as advised. Because of all these problems that Major faced, as well as a hugely successful 'new' labour campaigned led by Tony Blair, the Conservatives suffered a landslide defeat.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Ignou solved assignment 2014 Essay

Describe the evolutionary process of organization design and different perspectives of organization design and their relevance. Q. Explain the meaning and purpose of Job design and briefly discuss the impact technology has on Job design. Q. Discuss the purpose of organizational analysis and briefly describe the tools which could be used for organizational analysis and their effectiveness. Q. Identify different kinds of change which take place in organization and strategies which are used for change and their effectiveness. Discuss how resistance to change can be handled before implementing it. Give examples. Q. Discuss the process of institution building and the role of chief executive in institution building with an example. 1. Organization design-A process for improving the probability that an organization will be successful. More specifically, Organization Design is a formal, guided process for integrating the people, information and technology of an organization. It is used to match the form of the organization as closely as possible to the purpose(s) the organization seeks to achieve. Through the design process, organizations act to improve the probability that the collective efforts of members will be successful. Typically, design is approached as an internal change under the guidance of an external facilitator. Managers and members work together to define the needs of the organization then create systems to meet those needs most effectively. The facilitator assures that a systematic process is followed and encourages creative thinking. Hierarchical Systems Western organizations have been heavily influenced by the command and control structure of ancient military organizations, and by the turn of the century introduction of Scientific Management. Most organizations today are designed as a bureaucracy in which authority and responsibility are arranged in a hierarchy. Within the hierarchy rules, policies, and procedures are uniformly and impersonally applied to exert control over member behaviors. Activity is organized within sub-units (bureaus, or departments) in which people perform specialized functions such as manufacturing, sales, or accounting. People who perform similar tasks are clustered together. The same basic organizational form is assumed to be appropriate for any organization, be it a government, school, business, church, or fraternity. It is familiar, predictable, and rational. It is what comes immediately to mind when we discover that †¦ we really have to get organized! As familiar and rational as the functional hierarchy may be, there are distinct disadvantages to blindly applying the same form of organization to all purposeful groups. To understand the problem, begin by observing that different groups wish to achieve different outcomes. Second, observe that different groups have different members, and that each group possesses a different culture. These differences in desired outcomes, and in people, should alert us to the danger of assuming there is any single best way of organizing. To be complete, however, also observe that different groups will likely choose different methods through which they will achieve their purpose. Service groups will choose different methods than manufacturing groups, and both will choose different methods than groups whose purpose is primarily social. One structure cannot possibly fit all. , the form of organization must be matched to the purpose it seeks to achieve. The Design Process Organization design begins with the creation of a strategy — a set of decision guidelines by which members will choose appropriate actions. The strategy is derived from clear, concise statements of purpose, and vision, and from the organization’s basic philosophy. Strategy unifies the intent of the organization and focuses members toward actions designed to accomplish desired outcomes. The strategy encourages actions that support the purpose and discourages those that do not. Creating a strategy is planning, not organizing. To organize we must connect people with each other in meaningful and purposeful ways. Further, we must connect people with the information and technology necessary for them to be successful. Organization structure defines the formal relationships among people and specifies both their roles and their responsibilities. Administrative systems govern the organization through guidelines, procedures and policies. Information and technology define the process(es) through which members achieve outcomes. Each element must support each of the others and together they must support the organization’s purpose. Exercising Choice Organizations are an invention of man. They are contrived social systems through which groups seek to exert influence or achieve a stated purpose. People choose to organize when they recognize that by acting alone they are limited in their ability to achieve. We sense that by acting in concert we may overcome our individual limitations. When we organize we seek to direct, or pattern, the activities of a group of people toward a common outcome. How this pattern is designed and implemented greatly influences effectiveness. Patterns of activity that are complementary and interdependent are more likely to result in the achievement of intended outcomes. In contrast, activity patterns that are unrelated and independent are more likely to produce unpredictable, and often unintended results. The process of organization design matches people, information, and technology to the purpose, vision, and strategy of the organization. Structure is designed to enhance communication and information flow among people. Systems are designed to encourage individual responsibility and decision making. Technology is used to enhance human capabilities to accomplish meaningful work. The end product is an integrated system of people and resources, tailored to the specific direction of the organization. 2. Job design refers to the way that a set of tasks, or an entire job, is organized. Job design helps to determine: †¢ What tasks are done? †¢ How the tasks are done, †¢ how many tasks are done, and †¢ in what order the tasks are done. It takes into account all factors which affect the work, and organizes the content and tasks so that the whole job is less likely to be a risk to the employee. Job design involves administrative areas such as: †¢ job rotation, †¢ job enlargement, †¢ task/machine pacing, †¢ work breaks, and †¢ Working hours. A well designed job will encourage a variety of ‘good’ body positions, have reasonable strength requirements, require a reasonable amount of mental activity, and help foster feelings of achievement and self-esteem. 3. Organizational analysis may be done for different purposes. These include: 1) Enhancing the general understanding of the functioning of Organizations (i. e. educational or research purposes. ) (The direct beneficiary is the researcher or the analyst rather than the Organization). Such a study may aim at enhancing the understanding of human behaviour through a study of it in organisation, or to enhance the understanding of the society as reflected in organisational life. 2) Planning for growth and diversification An analysis or a diagostic study may be necessary for planning growth, diversification, expansion etc. Organisational analysis may reveal the strengths that could be used for growth and diversification, weak spots that need to be removed in the new plans, the precautions to be taken, structural dimensions to be kept in mind etc. Several insights may be provided on structure, people, systems, styles, technology etc. that have implications for growth. 3) Improving Organisational Effectiveness or Planning General Improvements Organisational Analysis may be used also for improving the general efficiency of an organisation. On the basis of a diagnosis made out of the analysis action steps could be initiated in terms of toning up administration, introducing new management systems and processes, reduction of wasteful expenditure, introduction of time savers, change of personnel policies to enhance employee motivation, restructuring of some parts, training, elimination of unwanted structures and teasers, improvements in general health of the organisation etc. 4) Organisational Problem Solving Whenever some subsystems departments, units etc.fall sick or start creating problems a diagnosis may be undertaken with a view to identify the source of the problem and take corrective action. A sick unit, a bottleneck, a communication block, a poor performing department, frequently occurring conflict between two departments, repeated failures of a management system or an organisational process, a frequent violation of an organisational norm, fall in discipline, reduction in output absenteeism, increase in conflicts e tc. can all lead to the need for an organisational diagnosis of a part of the organisatioin or the entire organisation. tools of organisational analysis Observation represents the careful and planned method of recording certain phenomena, objects, events in conjunction with a given situation. Constantinescu, etc. (2008) considers it necessary, within the organisation, to focus on observing the interaction between employees, in order to find answers to questions such as: What is the working pace of the employees – slow, methodical, alert, spontaneous? What rituals do you notice in the enterprise? What are the values disseminated? Do the meetings generally provide revealing information? Who participates in these meetings? Who speaks? Whom do these people speak to? To what extent is sincerity situated in these meetings? How much time is devoted to different topics? The topics which often recur and which are discussed in depth frequently represent indications of the organisational culture values. Observations are used for gathering data on the symbols which are analyzed by the qualitative analysis methods. Observations include mostly behavioural material, but also semantic symbols. Observations of behavioural symbols include monitoring and recording the organizational rituals, such as, for example, the celebration of company day as a ritual of integration. There will also be careful attention focused on the state and architecture of the buildings, decor, billboards, staff dress code, behaviour and habits, working environment, the way in which everyone fulfils their role, employee behaviour in conflict situations. The analysis of these aspects allows knowing the reality, the working environment, both the organisation’s physical components and the emotional, psychological elements, harder to decipher at first glance. The opinion interview technique always involves oral information, having the advantage of flexibility, of the ability to get specific answers to each question. Along with the use of the questionnaire, it is one of the techniques most often used in qualitative research. The interview is, however, a complex technique that requires certain abilities and skills from the researcher, especially social, communication and self-reflection skills. The interview is used in the study of organisational culture to collect qualitative data about the cognitive elements of the culture, such as assumptions, values, norms and attitudes. Interviews may also serve to identify symbols, certain expressions, stories, anecdotes specific to the organisation. â€Å"To successfully use the interview in organisational culture research, it is important to determine the persons that will be interviewed, when, where and how the interview will be conducted, the set of questions that will be used and the method of recording it† (Janicijevic, 2011 , p 85). Interviews help us perceive the consistency between what the interviewees say and the facts recorded from other sources. † These perceptions are generally useful for:  · defining an updated vision of the history, the important events and its impact on the functioning of the organisation;

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Homoscocial and Homoerotiscism in Shakespeare

Consider the relationship between homosocial and homoerotic in William Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice and A Twelfth Night. â€Å"To talk of an Individual in this period as being or not being a ‘homosexual’ is an anachronism and ruinously misleading† (Bray, 1982, pg. 16) Before a solid argument can commence the reader has to first distinguish a number of key points of view, and more over understand them. The problem with such arguments is of course the hurdle between contemporary opinions and renaissance beliefs. The majority of modern reader/audiences have an understanding of homosexuality, or it in some way has been visible to them.This leads to the problem of a modern audience assuming a character is a homosexual based on modern presumptions. However what would be regarded as gay in today’s society may not have during the renaissance. Another issue that must be raised when considering this essay is the difference between ‘homosocialâ₠¬â„¢ and ‘homoerotic’. Homosocial is defined by a relationship of a non-sexual or romantic nature between two or more members of the same sex. Homoerotic is defined as sexual attraction between members of the same-sex.There for it is imperative the reader stay objective when considering the notions of homosocial and homoerotic behaviour. The reader must also try to remember the contextual factors in which it was written and the audience/readers estimations. The first relationship this essay will focus on is the one between Antonio and Bassanio from William Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice. These two share a very strong friendship, so much so that Antonio offers to lend Bassanio a very large sum of money. Antonio being a wealthy merchant however does not have the cash upfront as it is tied up in his merchandise off shore.He thus decides to go to a Jewish money lender called Shylock and offers his property as guarantee for the loan. Shylock has been spurned by the Venetian citizens on numerous occasions and quite frequently retells these cruelties. As a result instead of the property he decides he would rather have a pound of flesh from Antonio. Shylock -â€Å"In such a place, such sum or sums as are/Express'd in the condition, let the forfeit/Be nominated for an equal pound/Of your fair flesh, to be cut off and taken/In what part of your body pleaseth me. (Act 1, scene 3) Antonio – â€Å"Content, i' faith: I'll seal to such a bond/And say there is much kindness in the Jew† (Act 1, scene 3) In this exchange between Antonio and Shylock, we are exposed to the great lengths in which Antonio will go to make his friend and confidant Bassanio happy. He is willing to offer his life as insurance. This speaks magnitudes for the â€Å"love† these two share, and if you take the image of the flesh it could be said that the friends’ fates are now tied to one flesh. Then the man (Adam) said, â€Å"This at last is bone of m y bones and flesh of my flesh†¦ † Therefore a man leaves his father and his mother and cleaves to his wife, and they become one flesh. † (Genesis 2:23-25) To consider this image as a representation of marriage, this steers the reader/audience to believe that Antonio possibly loves Bassanio more than a friend. It could be implied that there is a romantic connection between the pair and thus that their relationship is homoerotic rather than homosocial.This is especially reinforced by the earlier scenes of the play where Antonio is displayed as a largely melancholic character. Antonio knows bassanio is in want of a wife; his depression could perhaps be originated from jealousy. On the other hand it could be argued that Antonio is just upset, because he is now going to be spending less time with Bassanio. One of the main problems with trying to define the relationship between Antonio and Bassanio, is how often their relationship has switches between homoerotic and homos ocial undertones.Generally it depends on how the reader takes their exchanges, for example Antonio’s melancholy at the beginning of the play could be attributed to his jealousy of Bassanio’s want for a wife, or it could be his worry about the friendship in which the two share. Antonio – â€Å"And such want-wit sadness makes of me, / that I have much ado to know myself. † The problem would appear judging by Antonio’s description of his sadness that, he is worried about himself. Both Antonio and Bassanio share very close relationships in which both men have grown together their characters are defined by each other.Bassanio seems to have matured to a point where his life needs more than companionship and wishes to get married; Antonio on the other hand is not ready for this change and as result has to do some soul searching. It is Antonio’s dismay at this rather than a romantic connection which causes the assumption that their relationship is h omosocial rather than homoerotic. When Antonio offers to give shylock a pound of flesh if he defaults on his loan Antonio expects to have the money rather easily so it’s a rather empty gesture suggesting a homosocial relationship.However when he does default on the loan Antonio professes to Bassanio. Antonio – â€Å"Say how I loved you, speak me fair in death / And when the tale is told, bid her be judge /Whether Bassanio had not once a love† Antonio is still willing to sacrifice his life for Bassanio and once again professes his love for his friend again suggesting a romantic relationship. The language which Antonio and Bassanio use when talking to or describing each other for a modern audience coxes them to believe them as being homosexual.However the cultural differences between contemporary audience’s and renaissance audiences allow for a different interpretation. Bassanio – â€Å"To you, Antonio, /I owe the most, in money and in love, / And f rom your love I have a warranty/To unburden all my plots and purposes† (Act1, scene1) For a modern audience if a man says to another man he loves him or talks of the love they share, it would be a safe assumption to label them homosexual or at least expect some type of romantic connection. However if you substitute â€Å"love† from this extract for friendship it reads more or less the same and makes perfect sense.This is a difference in language, in Shakespeare’s time â€Å"love† would be used to describe friendship on a regular basis. The relations between men during the 16th century were very different from they are today, for example it would not thought suspicious if two men were to spend large amounts of time together or even share the same bed. In general terms it would be very difficult to discern a homosexual relationship from companionship during Shakespeare’s time. The reintroduction of the sodomy act in 1565 meant sodomy was now a capital crime and anyone caught being homosexual was punishable by death.Homosexuality its self was not even invented or at least the term was not so sodomy was used to describe this act. Interestingly enough there are no occasions where a person has been arrested or hung for sodomy alone. It would seem that same sex relations were generally frowned upon but normally ignored. It seems it only became an issue when it threatened social order, the passive male would also be prosecuted more harshly than aggressive male which was perceived by the authorities as a surrendering of his â€Å"natural† masculine role in favour of a subordinate feminine one.As mentioned above during the renaissance period there was a large emphasis on the relationships between men. The thought that a man could find an equal, not in his wife but in a male friend and that bond be stronger than the one capable between men and women. This is true of Shakespeare’s plays also he uses sexuality to define his c haracters. The platter of sexual ambiguity in â€Å"Twelfth night† we are introduced to homosocial relationships as well as homoerotic and bisexual tangents.The relationship between Antonio and Sebastian is very suspect. The first we see of Antonio and Sebastian is in Act 2 scene 1 where Sebastian is wanting to leave for Count Orsino’s court in Illyria but Antonio has enemies there. Despite the dangers to Antonio he seems adamant to accompany Sebastian, however Sebastian states on more than one occasion he wishes for Antonio to stay. Antonio – â€Å"Will you stay no longer? nor will you not that I go with you? † Sebastian – â€Å"By your patience, no.My stars shine darkly over/me: the malignancy of my fate might perhaps /distemper yours; therefore I shall crave of you your /leave that I may bear my evils alone: it were a bad /recompense for your love, to lay any of them on you. † Antonio – â€Å"Let me yet know of you whither you are bound. † (Act 2, Scene 1) As mentioned before â€Å"love† is often used within Shakespeare’s language as a substitute for friendship. However the exchanges between Sebastian and Antonio clearly signify something different, Antonio’s desperation to accompany his â€Å"friend† leads the reader and audience to assume there is a romantic connection.The fear of danger is outweighed by Antonio’s love for Sebastian and thus he decides to travel to Illyria. The homoeroticism between the two men is clearly evident and is spelt out in laymen’s terms when later in the same scene Antonio says: Antonio – â€Å"If you will not murder me for my love, let me be your servant† â€Å"But come what may, I do adore thee so/That danger shall seem sport, and I will go† (Act 2, Scene1) Antonio here also admits his love, sexual desire and submissiveness to Sebastian.Joseph Pequigney describes Antonio’s sexuality in his book such is My Love: A Study of Shakespeare sonnets as: â€Å"The reason for Antonio’s portrayal as homosexual is that a liaison with him opens space for Sebastian in the diverse bisexual fictions that make up the Twelfth Night† (Pequigney, 1985, pg 203) Antonio has clear homoerotic feelings for Sebastian and paints a very clear image of his sexual urges. Compared to Antonio from The Merchant of Venice, whose desire was born from friendship and homosocial. Shakespeare seems to have stepped up on the sexual commentary and made it far more obvious.The progression of Sebastian and Antonio’s â€Å"love† is finalised in act 3 scene 3, the audience sees Antonio make several comments regarding his desire for his lover. His love is best displayed by his speech to Sebastian: Antonio –â€Å"My desire, / More sharp than filed steel, did spur me forth, / And not all love to see you / But jealousy what might befall your travel† (Act 3, scene3) His passion, desire a nd lust for Sebastian again clearly visible, later in the scene a discussion of sleeping arrangements leads to a very brave piece of stage writing where Shakespeare clearly refers to the Antonio and Sebastian having sex.Antonio – â€Å"There shall you have me,† (Act 3, scene3) Very plain and provocative and suggestive writing by Shakespeare, Pequigney as mentioned above declares that Antonio is depicted as quite openly flamboyant homosexual is so Sebastian can part take in the bisexual theme of the play: â€Å"While he remains heterosexually virginal, he is unlike the virgins Viola and Olivia or Orsino in that he entertains homosexual impulses that are fully conscious and indulged.Antonio awakens those impulses, initiates him into interpersonal sexuality, and perhaps thereby prepares him to receive the sudden, surprising advances of the Illyrian lady† (Pequigney, 209-10). Pequigney’s opinions identify the relationship between Antonio and Sebastian as clea rly homoerotic and indeed homosexual/bisexual. Shakespeare leaves little room for speculation regarding this pair of lovers/friends the nature of their relationship would be clear to an audience of the renaissance and to a contemporary audience. The bisexual subplot in A twelfth Night is continued by the relationship between Orsino and Cesario (Viola).Orsino and Cesario share a similar relationship to Antonio and Sebastian however there are a number of major differences. Cesario is of course a woman disguised as a man. During the exchanges between them we see Orsino refer to Cesario as a man but then juxtapose these with images of a pretrachal sonnet referring to Viola/Cesarios beauty, soft voice and femininity. So essentially the relationship between them both is homoerotic. As there is a clear sexual attraction to each other. To a modern audience who has knowledge of psychology and a broader understanding f gay society will understand Sigmund Freud’s opinion on sexuality wh ich I feel helps explain the attraction between Orsino and Cesario. â€Å"A large proportion of homosexuals retain the mental quality of masculinity†¦and that what they look for in their real sexual object are in fact feminine mental traits. † (Freud, 1905) While Freud’s view helps us understand Orsino’s attraction to Cesario it is still difficult for an audience/reader to catalogue which sexuality Orsino belongs. Essentially the text suggests he is bi curious, Orsino in love with Cesario suggests a homosocial relationship perhaps with erotic undertones.However his love remains unconsummated until viola revels herself as a woman and thus their marriage is possible. However Penquigney states: â€Å"The love for Cesario could not have changed instantaneously with the revelation of his femaleness; if it is erotic then it would have been erotic before; what does change is that marriage suddenly becomes possible, and hence the immediate proposal† (Pequign ey, 207). If in agreement with Pequigney it would suggest that the relationship between Cesario/Viola and Orsino has always been homoerotic it was only the constraints of society that prohibited Orsino from the actual act of love.For a Shakespearian audience this must have been a difficult sub-plot to follow as of course women were not permitted to act. There for those audiences would be watching a small boy/young man, play a woman, which was disguised as a man. So their reactions to the performances of A Twelfth Night would be different for modern audiences. In conclusion Shakespeare manages to create a multitude of relationships within the plays The Merchant of Venice and A Twelfth Night. He crosses the lines between homosocial and homoerotic on a number of occasions.The juxtaposition of quite blatant homoerotic with seemingly homosocial relations keep the audience in a state of uncertainty where by sexuality, love and friendship are clouded. The differences that arise between a m odern or renaissance audiences/ readers result in a modern audience being quicker to judge the relationships as homoerotic. By keeping your mind free of modern social conventions we can gain a better understanding of the world of sexuality that Shakespeare was trying to convey.Bibliography The Merchant of Venice –William Shakespeare the Cambridge university printing press published 1953 The Shakespearian Stage 1574-1642 3rd edition Andrew Gurr Twelfth Night the Macmillan Shakespeare 1972 Such Is My Love: A Study of Shakespeare*s Sonnets. By Joseph. Pequigney. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1985 The sexual aberrations S Freud – The Material Queer: A Lesbigay Cultural Studies †¦, 1996 – West view Press The New International Version The Holy Bible Homoerotic space: the poetics of loss in Renaissance literature By Stephen Guy-Bray 1982 University of Toronto press http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Sodomy http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Timeline_of_LGBT_histor y

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Crucible

John Proctor And Willy Loman: The Tragedies Of Two Common Men Are John Proctor and Willy Loman common men? Are they tragic heroes? Using information from Arthur Miller’s essay, â€Å"Tragedy and the Common Man†, both men can be defined as common, and both men can be defined as tragic heroes. Miller’s essay also characterizes the plays â€Å"The Crucible† and â€Å"Death of a Salesman† as tragedies in modern literature. According to Miller, the quality that shapes the image of the common man is one that â€Å"derives from the underlying fear of being displaced, the disaster inherent in being torn away from our chosen image of what and who we are in this world† (Miller, Tragedy of the Common Man). Both John Proctor and Willy Loman share this fear, and both regard their reputations in society very highly. Proctor’s fear of being displaced is evident in the last act when he refuses to sign the confession stating that he practiced witchcraft. Procter declares, â€Å"I have given you my soul; leave me my name!†(Miller, The Crucible, Act IV). This quote implies that Procter values maintaining his chosen image as a good and holy man over his soul, which in his religious society is also regarded very highly. Willy Loman lives in a fantasy world where he believes that he is extremely successful and loved by all. At one point Willy states â€Å"I’m the New England man. I am vital in New England.†(Miller, Death of a Salesman, Act 1). Later in the play Willy refuses a job offered to him by Charley, because he fears that accepting the job will tear him away from his chosen image if being the best, thus categorizing him as a common man by Millers standards. Because John Proctor and Willy Loman regard their reputations and dignity so highly and fear the possibility of these qualities being degraded, they are considered common men. Miller describes that the tragic element in a tragic hero is â€Å"evoked... Free Essays on Crucible Free Essays on Crucible A Major Theme of The Crucible According to the Webster’s Dictionary, a crucible is â€Å"a vessel in which metal is heated to a high temperature and melted for the purposes of casting†. It can also be referred to a situation in which a person has to make a decision that can be critical to his morals and principles. There are many interpretations of the word crucible as there is for the theme of Arthur Miller’s, The Crucible. Closely related to the word â€Å"crucifixion†, The Crucible is about a man put in a crucible situation, who is forced to choose between life and morality, just as Jesus Christ did. Miller interweaved these scenarios to form the main themes of the play – the problem of making the right moral choice and the necessity of sacrifice as a means of redemption. Both of these themes can be abridged to form one main theme, good versus evil. Based on the Salem witch trials of the late 17th century, The Crucible explores the vulnerability of a society and the difficulty of doing ‘good’ in the face of evil and tremendous social pressures. The play is about a town, Salem, Massachusetts, and the hysteria its residents go through because of the witchcraft accusations made by the young girls and countless other people of the region. These accusations, we learn in the novel, are not true and are merely stories to put the blame of someone’s mistakes or wrongdoings to someone else. The accusers are just trying to find scapegoats for their shortcomings. This is where good versus evil takes place. There are numerous â€Å"good† characters in the novel that try to prove that there are no such things as witches, as well as â€Å"bad† who use the trials for their own gain, and the plot revolves around their struggle against each other. One of the many cases where good versus evil is portrayed is through the situation between Elizabeth Proctor and Abigail Williams. Abigail Williams is the niece of Reverend Parris, a renowned preache... Free Essays on Crucible John Proctor And Willy Loman: The Tragedies Of Two Common Men Are John Proctor and Willy Loman common men? Are they tragic heroes? Using information from Arthur Miller’s essay, â€Å"Tragedy and the Common Man†, both men can be defined as common, and both men can be defined as tragic heroes. Miller’s essay also characterizes the plays â€Å"The Crucible† and â€Å"Death of a Salesman† as tragedies in modern literature. According to Miller, the quality that shapes the image of the common man is one that â€Å"derives from the underlying fear of being displaced, the disaster inherent in being torn away from our chosen image of what and who we are in this world† (Miller, Tragedy of the Common Man). Both John Proctor and Willy Loman share this fear, and both regard their reputations in society very highly. Proctor’s fear of being displaced is evident in the last act when he refuses to sign the confession stating that he practiced witchcraft. Procter declares, â€Å"I have given you my soul; leave me my name!†(Miller, The Crucible, Act IV). This quote implies that Procter values maintaining his chosen image as a good and holy man over his soul, which in his religious society is also regarded very highly. Willy Loman lives in a fantasy world where he believes that he is extremely successful and loved by all. At one point Willy states â€Å"I’m the New England man. I am vital in New England.†(Miller, Death of a Salesman, Act 1). Later in the play Willy refuses a job offered to him by Charley, because he fears that accepting the job will tear him away from his chosen image if being the best, thus categorizing him as a common man by Millers standards. Because John Proctor and Willy Loman regard their reputations and dignity so highly and fear the possibility of these qualities being degraded, they are considered common men. Miller describes that the tragic element in a tragic hero is â€Å"evoked... Free Essays on Crucible The madness of the Salem with trials is explored I great detail. There are many theories as to why the with trials come about, the most popular of which is the girls’ suppressed childhoods. However, there were other factors as well, such as Abigail Williams’ affair with John Proctor, the secret grudges that neighbors held against each other, and the physical and economic differences between the citizens of Salem Village. From a historical viewpooint, it is known that young girls in colonial Massachusetts were given little or no freedom to act like children. They were expected to walk straight, arms by their sides, eyes slightly downcast, and their mouths were to be shut unless otherwise asked to speak. It is not surprising that the girls would find this type of lifestyle very constricting. To rebel against it, they played pranks, such as dancing in the woods, listening to slaves’ magic stories and pretending that other villagers were bewitching them. The crucible starts after the girls in the village have been caught dancing in the woods. As one of them falls sick, rumors start to flu that there is witchcraft gong on in the woods, and that the sick girls is bewitched. Once the girls talk to each other, they become more and more frightened of being accused by saying, ‘I go back to Jesus; I kiss his hand. I saw Sarah Good with the Devil! I saw Goody Osburn with the Devil! I saw Bridget Bishop with the Devil!† Another girl, Betty, continues the cry with, ‘I saw George Jacobs with the Devil! I saw Goody Howe with the Devil!† From here on, the accusations grow and grow until the jails overflow with accused witches. It must have given them and incredible sense of power when the whole town of Salem listened to their words and believed each and every accusation. After all, children were to be seen and not heard in Puritan society, and the new found attention was probably overwhelming. The girls were called before the judges...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Strategies for Hiring a Teacher

Strategies for Hiring a Teacher Because teachers can make or break a school, the process used to hire them is critical to a schools overall success. A building principal typically plays some sort of role in the hiring of a new teacher. Some principals are a part of a committee that interviews and decides who to hire, while others interview potential candidates individually. In either case, its important that the necessary steps are taken to hire the right person for the job. Hiring a new teacher is a process and should not be rushed. There are important steps that should be taken when looking for a new teacher. Here are a few of them.   Understand Your Needs Every school has their own needs when it comes to hiring a new teacher and its important that the person or people in charge of hiring understand exactly what those are. Examples of specific needs might include certification, flexibility, personality, experience, curriculum, and, most importantly, the individual philosophy of the school or district. Understanding these needs before you begin the interview process allows those in charge to have a better idea of what you are looking for. This can help create a list of interview questions catered to these needs.   Post an Ad It is important that you get as many candidates as possible. The larger the pool, the more likely it will be that you will have at least one candidate that meets all of your needs. Post ads on your school website, in each of the local newspapers, and in any educational publications in your state. Be as detailed as possible in your advertisements. Be sure to give a contact, a deadline for submission, and a list of qualifications.   Sort Through Resumes Once your deadline has passed, quickly scan each resume for key words, skills, and types of experiences that fit your needs. Try to get as much information about each individual candidate from their resume before you begin the interview process. If you are comfortable with doing so, pre-rank each candidate based on the information in their resume before interviewing. Interview Qualified Candidates Invite your top candidates to come in for interviews. How you conduct these is up to you; some people are comfortable doing a non-scripted interview, while others prefer a specific script to guide the interview process. Try to get a feel for your candidates personality, experience, and what sort of teacher they will be. Do not rush through your interviews. Start with small talk. Take the time to get to know them. Encourage them to ask questions. Be open and honest with each candidate. Ask tough questions if necessary. Take Comprehensive Notes Start taking notes on each candidate as you go through resumes. Add to those notes during the interview itself. Jot down anything that is relevant to the list of needs that you created before beginning the process. Later on, you will add to your notes when you check each candidate’s references. Taking great notes on each candidate is essential for  hiring the right person and its especially important if you have a long list of candidates to interview over the course of several days and even weeks. It may be hard to remember everything about the first few candidates if you do not take comprehensive notes. Narrow the Field After you have completed all the initial interviews, you will need to review all notes and narrow down the list of candidates to your top 3-4. You will want to invite these top candidates back for a second interview. Re-Interview With Assistance In the second interview, consider bringing in another employee such as the  district’s superintendent or even a committee made up of several stakeholders. Instead of giving your co-workers too much background before the interview, its best to allow them to formulate their own opinions about each candidate. This will ensure that each candidate will be evaluated without your personal bias influencing the other interviewers decision. After all the top candidates have been interviewed, you can discuss each candidate with the other persons who interviewed, seeking their input and perspective. Put Them on the Spot If possible, ask the candidates to prepare a short, ten-minute lesson to teach to a group of students. If it is during the summer and students are not available, you can have them give their lesson the group of stakeholders in the second interview round. This will allow you to see a brief snapshot of how they handle themselves in the classroom and perhaps provide you with a better feel for what kind of teacher they are. Call All References Checking references can be another valuable tool in evaluating a candidate. This is especially effective for teachers with experience. Contacting their former principal(s) can provide you with important information that you may not be able to get from an interview.   Rank the Candidates and Make an Offer You should have plenty of information after following all the previous steps to make someone a job offer. Rank each candidate according to which one you believe best fits your school’s needs. Review each resume and all of your notes, taking the other interviewee’s thoughts into consideration as well. Call your first choice and offer them a job. Do not call any other candidates until they accept the job and sign a contract. This way, if your first choice does not accept the offer, you will be able to move to the next candidate on the list. After you have hired a new teacher, be professional and call each candidate, letting them know that the position has been filled.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Human Trafficking in the Philippines Research Paper

Human Trafficking in the Philippines - Research Paper Example Human trafficking has since become a serious global problem since its impacts is being felt by almost every country worldwide. Philippine is among the top countries where human trafficking is at its top. Report indicates that Philippines acts as a source, destination and transit country for women, men and children who are trafficked and subjected to forced labor and sex among other forms of exploitations. Philippine women are trafficked throughout the different parts of Asia, after being deceived of decent job opportunities. The same applies to Philippine men and children who are increasingly being shipped to different parts of Asia (Castles and Miller, 1998). Estimates from ILO indicate that about 1 million Filipino women and men are shipped to foreign countries every year for work opportunities. The finding also found out that about 10 million Filipinos currently work and live abroad. Most of these Filipino migrants are subjected to conditions of forced labor, sex workers, or domes tic workers throughout Asia. Report indicates that most Filipino women employed as domestic workers abroad are subjected to all manner of atrocities and exploitation. The women are raped, battered, and sexually abuse. At the same time, Skilled Filipino immigrant workers such as doctors, accountants, engineers are also forced to work under voluntary servitude. Reports indicate that Filipino women are increasingly being trafficked as commercial sex workers in countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea, Hong Kong, Japan, and other Asian Countries (Gonzales, 2012). Opportunities available to "organize the crime" The high rate of human trafficking in Philippine has been catalyzed by a number of factors. Poverty and unemployment top the list as the key factors that offer the opportunity for the organization of the crime. Report indicates that Philippine is one of the poorest countries in Asia. The poverty level is particularly high in rural areas. The slow economic growth has also made it difficult for the government to create enough jobs for its over 92 million people. This means that many Filipinos are jobless. This has made the poor and jobless Filipinos vulnerable to illegal recruiters offering better prospects to poor Filipinos abroad. This has seen many Filipinos fall victim of the illegal recruiters who ship them abroad with the hope of getting greener pastures. However, a majority of the Filipinos who fall prey to the illegal recruiters end up in agony when they land in the foreign countries where they are exploited either as sex workers or forced labor (Arias, 2011). Philippine has also experienced successive civil strife like the one experienced in the southern part of the country. The civil strife increased poverty level in this area where polygamy is common thereby increasing the vulnerability of residents to trafficking. Report indicates that residents of southern Philippine violently displaced by the civil war were forced to migrate to other co untries as a way of looking for a place where they could improve their present situation. This offers a great opportunity for traffickers to offer their services. Such was also witnessed during the 2010 civil strife in the country, which left over 130,000 Filipinos displaced by the violence vulnerable for trafficking. This is because they were longing for a safer place where they could carry on with their businesses (Arias, 2011).

Friday, November 1, 2019

Managing for the future Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words - 1

Managing for the future - Essay Example The implications of the past decades have brought about a greater change within the organisational context. The emergence of latest trends and methodologies such as globalisation, technological advancement and outsourcing frame the vital constituents of the modern business scenario. As compared to the traditional organisational scenarios, present picture reveals flatten organisation systems. This has facilitated the path of a new management style, which depicts flexibility and efficiency. With regard to present day context, the organisations are becoming more customer-oriented. Management decisions along with new policies and strategies usually are formulated with the aim of propagating customer satisfaction. The present rapidly changing business environment has created immense pressure over the modern management to continually develop and grow their competencies to achieve sustainability within the competitive global scenario (Manninen & Viitala, 2007). Management competencies and r elative knowledge are vital sources of competitive advantage. ... Managing for the future bestows significant consideration for an organisation on these determinants in order to ensure that it is able to address the varying needs successfully. This study primarily intends to discuss the implementation of management competencies of Ford Motor Company in the fields of globalisation, environmental issues and corporate social responsibility especially with regard to the future decade context based on an evaluation of the past 7-10 years performance. This study will further assist in building a plan considering the aforementioned fields in compliance with the management competencies for the period of ensuring 7-10 years to 2018-2020.As it has been a determined fact that management competencies need to evolve in accordance with the changing times thus an organisation such as Ford Motors also needs to remain flexible to remain abreast with the competitive landscape. In terms of one of the observed key determinants i.e. globalisation, it has given a way to many new challenges pertaining to the modern day organisations. Globalisation has facilitated to undertake trade and commerce with a host of consumers on a much larger scale. This interrelated relationship has enabled the modern day management to gain various updated knowledge about latest approaches being practiced in international level associated with management decisions. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the concept that essentially reveals the policies concerning social responsibilities that are required to be addressed by a modern day organisation. CSR depicts the relationship between the organisation and the local society of its establishment.